Random Thoughts

Monday, November 14, 2005

Ok,ok so after promising to post regularly I've gone and disappeared again for months.My apologies....what can I say life just got in the way ;))!!
This past weekend my husband and I went away to this little town called Branson.It is touted as a family entertainment paradise and I think it does live up to its name.Lots of fun things to do for adults and kids and many quaint little shops along the way.Made for a good weekend getaway.
I have been trying quite a few new recipes lately and it's kind of become a hobby of mine.My latest is classic French toast Martha Stewart style!!I never watch her show but chanced on it the other day while I was channel surfing and there she was feeding her French toast to none other than Daniel Radcliffe!!!!So I thought to myself.....if Harry Porter likes it I should try it too (you see am getting into the mood for the latest Harry Potter offering due in theaters soon).Am not going to give you the entire recipe here but it is indeed an interesting twist on the traditional French toast recipe that I knew.
Oh and another big change in my life......I cut my hair!!I know many,many people get their hair cut every day and I am no Rapunzel to mourn the loss of my tresses but hey it is a big deal for me!!This time I got my hair cut quite short....I don't think I've had it this short since I was 10 yrs old!!!!Anyway,I think it looks good and I sure feel more 'modern' than I did before.As for my husband....well,his only words were 'It's different'!!!He just won't say anything more!!I'm just going to continue to assume that he means it in a good way(!!).
Ok,that's about it for now....hopefully (fingers crossed) will come back again soon!!!


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